Tiny Tyler’s Perky Boobs


While going through the galleries in the TinyTyler.com members area with my girlfriend she stopped me on this picture. She commented on how Tiny Tyler’s perky boobs were capped with puffy nipples. They reminded her of when her boobs were new. Not just in growth, but new to her!

She told me she used to play with her nipples and it always made her pussy wet. She wondered why she hadn’t made that connection earlier.

As we opened the gallery up and devoured the pictures she let me know that she used to masturbate with her mascara bottle too. When she got to college she found out that she wasn’t the only one. There were more girls that did this than didn’t and the ones that hadn’t done it yet let curiosity guide them into doing it the next time they were alone!

"Wow, there are a lot of girls in this pass!"

That is my GF moving around the members area on her computer while I am writing this. I think she is going to be masturbating to Little Summer next!

With a Tiny Teen Pass you get access to over thirty solo models like Little Lupe and the Milton Twins. So why aren’t you a member yet?