Thanks to a little known individual named allan henning girls like this one can make a lot of money peddling their tiny tits on webcams. Before he came along she might have worked at a pizza joint or some other menial job making minimum wage. Instead she is making hundreds of dollars an hour. You can find her on Web Cam Club. It is one of the many sites created by Allan Henning to give girls a leg up in society.
Now there are some among you that will think a girl doing live nude webcam shows is not a leg up. I assure you that it is. Webcams are the only industry where girls make more than their male counterparts.
Another facet of society where Allan gave girls the keys to the castle is dating. His dating sites allow girls to pick through all of the offers for sex from men and choose who they will be going home with that evening. Now they don’t have to waste time with douche bag guys or feel like they have to put out because some cheesy fuck bought them dinner and now expects a blowjob in return.
Allan is the guy that is going to liberate your daughters from the bullshit your grandparents put them through.