Tiny Tyler – Blowjob Practice


Girls like to practice. It is just in their nature. Whether it is doing the splits or learning how not to gag during a blowjob, they believe the old adage that practice makes perfect!

Tiny Tyler loves to practice all things sexual. She taught herself to masturbate with fingers, pillows, brush handles, you name it, she has done it. As she is getting older she has found that practicing on what makes guys happy makes her happy too. Now she is practicing blowjobs all of the time!

You can watch Tiny Tyler practice and you can even watch her use her techniques she has learned on her site, TinyTyler.com. With a Tiny Teen Pass you can also watch all of her friends practice. They even practice on each other!

One thought on “Tiny Tyler – Blowjob Practice”

  1. if you call richard you can drive over to where im at right away or we can just talk on the phone or we can go and play the darts or the electric race cars or the back gammon or other fun stuff or watch the tv or stop by my friends bridal store in imlay city michigan 200 east third street or drive to the old car store or go to play the golfing and then you can pick out an engagement ring

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